Market Manager Training Opportunities


2024 Training Dates and Locations

February 25th - 29th 2024 | California Small Farm Conference

The California Small Farm Conference, now in its 36th year, is an annual gathering of family      farmers, local food system stakeholders, and advocates for regenerative agriculture. A hybrid event drawing over a thousand attendees, it features four days of virtual programming followed by ten unique unique in-person meetups across the state. We come together to explore topics ranging from climate-smart farming practices to small business strategy, introductions for beginners and deep dives for established growers, workshops aimed at industry professionals, and forums for everyday people working to build a healthier, more equitable food system for all.

We encourage Black, Indigenous, and People of color, people LGBTQIA-identified, women, veterans, and formerly incarcerated individuals to submit proposals.

Next year’s conference is a hybrid event (virtual & in-person, various locations throughout California), on February 25th – 29th 2024.

2023 Training Dates and Locations

Feb. 26-Mar. 1st | CSFC - Farmers' Market Training + Webinars (Recordings Available)

In late February at the virtual 35th California Small Farm Conference (CSFC), The Alliance hosted the Farmers’ Market focused track which included the first-part, of a four-part, California Farmers’ Market Certification Program, as well as two other presentations relevant to the farmers’ market industry.

Farmers’ Market Focused Webinars


This certification was developed by the California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets. The Alliance is a member-based coalition of farmers’ markets and affiliate partners from around the state, committed to working together for the betterment of the industry. The Alliance is dedicated to promoting the direct farmer-to-consumer relationship, supporting small independent farmers, increasing the integrity and securing the future of Certified Farmers’ Markets throughout California.

This certification program is divided into four parts that will be delivered virtually over zoom. This is a cohort model certification program, with the our inaugural cohort of 20 market managers starting in February 2023 at the California Small Farm Conference.

Virtual Training #1: Introduction
February 27th, 2023 9 AM – 2 PM

Learning Outcomes of Level 1 Certification:

    • Have a clear understanding of the history and purpose of certified farmers’ markets.
      Have a great understanding of the mission of the Alliance and how membership can benefit your market(s).
    • Have a clear understanding of market regulations and how to hold vendors accountable to them.
    • Learn core skills and techniques for successful farmers’ market management.
    • Learn strategies for making your market(s) accessible, diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Virtual Training #2: Ensuring a Safe Food Environment
May 15th, 2023 10 AM – 12 PM

Virtual Training #3: Using Market Rules to Ensure Success
July 17th, 2023 10 AM – 12 PM

Virtual Training #4: Recruiting and Retaining Vendors
October 16th, 2023 10 AM – 12 PM

Recordings of this webinar series are unavailable.

Tapping into Mobile Farmers’ Markets throughout California
Join Fresh Approach and the Agricultural Institute of Marin as we discuss the impacts of mobile farmers’ markets (MFM) throughout California. A MFM serves as a consolidated farmers market that can be transported in a vehicle to low-income communities and areas with limited fresh, healthy food options. Small scale operations like mobile farmers’ markets are able to pivot quickly as shown in the response to COVID-19. This not only strengthens regional food systems by providing consistent access to local produce to historically underserved communities, but also by providing consistent financial support to local growers. This workshop is geared towards small-scale farmers, urban growers, and beginning farmers. Ellen Olack, Fresh Approach: Making Healthy Food More Accessible in the Bay Area, Food Access Program Manager Karimah Hay, Agricultural Institute of Marin.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.

Advancing Equity for BIPOC Entrepreneurs at Farmers Markets
Farmers markets are historically white-dominated spaces that have not always been equitable and welcoming to farmers, food makers, and shoppers of color. As market operators are working to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusive (DEI) values into their operations, how can they institutionalize practices to make farmers markets more inclusive and representative of the diversity of our communities? We’ll hear from market operators and community organizations working together to provide opportunities for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), immigrant, and women food entrepreneurs and set them up for lasting success. Andrea Akers, Foodwise, Operations Manager Sabine Dabady, MPH, Mandela Partners, Entrepreneurship Development Manager Samiha Hamdi, Mandela Partners, Farm Partnerships Manager Sierra Young, Mangosay, Owner.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.

Apr. 26th | De-Escalation Training (Recording Unavailable)

California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets hosted a virtual de-escalation training facilitated by Right To Be on Wednesday, April 26th, 10am-12pm. At this training, farmers’ market professionals gained bystander intervention and conflict de-escalation skills specifically to utilize at farmers’ markets. The bystander intervention section of the training involved tactics for reducing harm to individuals, often those experiencing microaggressions. The conflict de-escalation portion offered for situations that escalate and require a more nuanced approach. The event is open to all farmers market professionals in California.

Resources on De-Escalation:
Right To Be resources
5Ds of Bystander Intervention
Free public training sessions
Harvard IAT test


2022 Training Dates and Locations

Feb. 22-28th | CSFC - Farmers' Market Training + Webinars (Recordings Available)

In late February at the virtual 34th Annual California Small Farm Conference (CSFC), The Alliance hosted the Farmers’ Market focused track which included a Market Manager Day of Learning on Monday and pertinent webinars on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Designed to inspire, engage and reinvigorate both new and veteran managers, this workshop combines full group and topic-focused breakout sessions.

This day of learning starts with a refresher on management basics found in the “Market Manager Manual”, and a deep dive into the new CDFA regulations introduced in 2020. The morning is dedicated to peer-to-peer learning about the role of market managers, best practices to enhance your market and increase your customer counts .

We return to discuss strategies for adapting to changing regulations, building resilience in the face of social, political, health, environmental and climate related challenges, offer sessions on data tracking and financial management, de-escalation and safety, EBT and Nutrition Incentives, innovation, and effective social media programs in breakout and small group sessions.

Market Manager Day of Learning Morning Session

  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.
  • Access a recording of the training here.

Market Manager Day of Learning Breakout Sessions

  • Racial Equity: Access a PDF of the presentation slides hereRecording Unavailable
  • Social Media 101 for Market Managers: Access the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable
  • EBT Discussion: Access a PDF of the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable
  • De-escalating Tensions: Access the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable
  • Finances and Data Tracking: Access the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable

Farmers’ Market Focused Webinars

Racial Equity at the Market
Join us for a discussion on what racial equity at the market can look like. Learn what you can do to make all parts of your market more inclusive for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and people of color. Takeaway anti-racist tools, strategies, and practices.

Presenter: Stacey Whitney, Owner and Manager of Altadena Farmers’ Market, and an Anti-Racist Toolkit for Farmers Markets Work Group Member

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.

Expanding the Audience of Farmers’ Market Shoppers: Engaging Cal-Fresh & Latinx Customers
This workshop will share findings from a 3-year community-engaged study to expand the customer-base of farmers market shoppers. Leveraging data collected through environmental scans, focus groups, and surveys conducted in Sonoma County, CA, in English and Spanish.

The project identified barriers for CalFresh and Latinx customers to shop at farmers’ markets. Working with diverse stakeholders including market managers, vendors, and customers, the project collaboratively devised locally-relevant marketing, structural, and operational innovations to address barriers and to make farmers’ markets more inclusive and welcoming for the whole community.

Presenter: Julia Van Soelen Kim, University of California Cooperative Extension

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

WIC & SFMNP Farmers’ Market Authorization Training
In this training farmers and Farmers’ Markets will learn how to become a WIC authorized Farmers or Farmers’ Market Manager, where WIC and S/FMNP checks can be accepted, how to accept, process and receive payment.

Presenter: Crystal Myers, CA Department of Food and Agriculture

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

Lightning Session: Increasing access & promoting CalFresh at your Farmers Market  
Over the past year and a half additional funding for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP – known as CalFresh in California), and Pandemic EBT programs have increased the purchasing power for low-income community members. Farmers markets and farm stands that accept CalFresh and offer nutrition incentives are well-positioned to benefit economically from this increase in funding.
This workshop is for farmers or market managers that are interested in starting to accept CalFresh at their farmers market or farm stand and/or those who want to increase their CalFresh clientele. We will go over lessons learned related to promoting the CalFresh program, how and where to find potential partners to help promote your program, and how to access free media and other promotional materials. In addition, we will discuss where to find local data to assess whether your market is geographically close to CalFresh clientele.

Presenter: Shannon Klisch, UCANR

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

Building Resilience: Market Managers Respond to Our Changing World 
As California faces increased wildfire risk year-after-year due to climate change, how do farmers’ markets respond? What are our legal and moral obligations when the air is dangerous to breath in our communities, but people still need food and farmers still need income? This webinar will explore some of these questions as farmers’ market leaders share some of their best practices and tools.

Presenters: Rosio Almaguer, California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets
Aimee Hutton, Berkeley Farmers Market Manager
Elizabeth Bowman, SEE-LA
Portia Bramble, North Coast Growers Association

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

Where Will Tomorrow’s Food Dollar Be Spent? The Impact of the Pandemic on Food Systems & Direct Marketing 
The start of the pandemic upended the food system as restaurants closed and mainstream grocery stores saw hoarding of basic goods followed by disruptions to their supply chains. In California, farmers’ markets were designated as essential businesses which allowed them to legally operate, but many of farmers’ markets faced local community restrictions or were unable to remain viable as new safety protocols were implemented.
Now more than 18 months into the pandemic, data is showing just how dramatically the food system changed, presenting both challenges and opportunities for direct marketers. It is unclear when or if shopping patterns will return to pre-pandemic norms so for farms and farmers’ market operators, understanding these new patterns is essential for planning future operations and sustainability.

In this workshop, Dr. Zoë Plakias of Ohio State University will share data on national trends in food shopping and food consumption since the start of the pandemic, including reports of farmers’ market shopping. Allen Moy of the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association will share data from a recent survey of Bay Area farmers’ market shoppers that includes shoppers’ assessments of changes to their farmers’ market shopping and spending due to the pandemic.

This workshop includes a focus on shopping patterns at farmers’ markets, but the topic is applicable to farmers concerned about their direct marketing channels (farm stands, CSAs, restaurants, etc.) as well as farmers’ market operators.

Presenters: Allen Moy, PCFMA
Dr. Zoë Plakias, Ohio State University

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here, here 

Using Farmers’ Market Based Promotional & Educational Strategies to Increase Producer Sales

SEE-LA’s SCNEPP program manager, senior farmers’ market manager, and a participating farmer will present best practices and preliminary data from SEE-LA’s bourgeoning specialty crop program.

Sustainable Economic Enterprises of Los Angeles (SEE-LA) is a leading Southern California nonprofit organization that operates the largest network of mission-driven farmers’ markets in Los Angeles.

In November 2020, SEE-LA began the Specialty Crop Nutrition Education and Promotion Program (SCNEPP). SCNEPP is a farmers’ market-based nutrition and economic development initiative whose aims are twofold – 1) to build farmers’ market patrons’ awareness, access, and knowledge of specialty crops and 2) to increase small and mid-sized producers’ sales of specialty crops. SCNEPP meets these aims through a comprehensive social media campaign, adult and youth nutrition education classes, and quarterly specialty crop events.

As of September 2021, SCNEPP delivered three social media marketing campaigns, 29 adult nutrition education classes, and 15 specialty crop events at five SEE-LA farmers’ markets. SCNEPP implementation strategies include videos, farmer spotlights, and recipes posted for each social media marketing campaign – recipe demonstrations delivered at each nutrition education class – and recipe cards, coupons, and samples distributed at each specialty crop event.

Producers have observed increased sales as a result of programmatic strategies. Further, preliminary data from the social media campaigns revealed an average 64% increase in engagement across all SEE—LA Instagram platforms.

Starting October 2021, the SNCEPP program will begin engaging producers in a marketing and engagement assistance program to build producers’ capacity in marketing techniques – further supporting producer sales.

Presenter: Erica Lee, SEE-LA

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

Lightning Session: Manage Your Time, Maximize Your Marketing (Farmers’ Market Pros) 
Will provide five key tips to maximize your marketing when you don’t have a lot of time to invest. Even experienced farmers market managers, small farmers and food makers often overlook the simplest yet most effective ways to engage audiences on social media, in email, and with good old fashioned flyers. Twenty slides, seven minutes to learn; minutes per day to implement the skills and increase sales at markets, farmsteads and for CSAs.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.


2021 Training Dates and Locations

Feb. 22-28th | CSFC - Farmers' Market Training + Webinars (Recordings Available)

The Alliance hosted the Farmers’ Market focused track at the 33rd Annual California Small Farm Conference (CSFC). This included a 1/2 day, virtual, Farmers’ Market Training, specifically by and for Farmers’ Market Managers, as well as several hot-topic Webinars.


This training is for new and more experienced market managers. It builds on the “Market Manager Manual”, originally developed by the CA Dept. of Food & Agriculture. The training focuses on the role of market managers, certified farmers’ market regulations and peer-to-peer learning. Featured guest speakers include: Maria Tenorio and Jennifer Leidolf, Direct Marketing Program, California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) & Jamie Collins, Farmer (Serendipity Organics) and Trainer on behalf of California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)

Farmer’s Market Manager Training Morning Session
This session includes presentations by industry professionals on Market Integrity, new CDFA Regulations for Certified Farmers’ Markets, and CCOF Organic Certification and Farmers’ Market Best Practices.

  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.
  • Access a recording of the training here.

Farmers’ Market Manager Training Breakout Sessions

  • Food Safety: Access a PDF of the presentation slides hereRecording Unavailable
  • EBT, The Basics: Access a recording of the breakout session here.
  • Social Media 101: Access a PDF of the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable
  • Structuring Market Fees: Access the presentation slides here. Recording Unavailable

Farmers’ Market Focused Webinars

Looking Forward: Preparing for a Post-Covid Farmers’ Market World
Market managers have been operating in crisis mode since last March. We look at some of the positive initiatives that have come out of this crisis and discuss what the next phases of reopening might look like.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.

Farmers’ Market Manager Roundtable
In this Farmers’ Market Manager Roundtable, participants have the opportunity to participate in peer-to-peer learning on a variety of “hot” farmers’ market discussion topics. The session is co-facilitated by experienced farmers’ market leaders.

  • Access a recording of the roundtable here.
  • Access notes from the roundtable here.
  • Access a PDF of the presentation slides here.

Wildfire Smoke and Farmers’ Market Operations
As California faces increased wildfire risk year-after-year due to climate change, how do farmers’ markets respond? In this webinar, farmers’ market leaders share some of their best practices and tools.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.

EBT Expansion at your Farmers’ Market, Farmstand, and CSA Program
In this workshop, learn how to grow your EBT customer base by identifying and addressing barriers to EBT customers shopping at your market/farm. Learn how to support a local food system that catalyzes inclusivity and belonging.

  • Access a recording of the webinar here.


2020 Training Dates and Locations

Dec. 7th | COVID-19 Best Practices at Farmers' Market Training + Roundtable (Recording Available)

In this California market manager roundtable we discussed some COVID-19 challenges and best practices for your farmers’ markets. This was an opportunity for managers to connect with other farmers’ market leaders, learn from each other, and ask any questions that may be lingering as we planned into 2021.

  • Access a PDF of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the recording of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the notes from the break-out sessions here.

Sept. 3rd | Thinking Inside the Box – Making Healthy Food Accessible with Curbside/Drive-Thru (Contactless) Models at Farmers Markets During COVID-19 (Recording Available)

In this webinar, four national farmers’ market leaders share their expertise in their “contactless” farmers’ market models due to COVID-19, while also administering SNAP/EBT and nutrition incentives.

  • Access a PDF of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the recording of the webinar presentation here.

May 4th |Box/Curbside Programs at California Farmers' Markets and COVID-19 (Recording Available)

In this webinar, the Alliance shares the COVID-19 Best Practices guide and two CA farmers’ market leaders share their expertise in their curbside “box” farmers’ market models due to COVID-19.

  • Access a PDF of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the recording of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the notes from the break-out sessions here.

April 13th | Practices at Market in Response to COVID-19 (Recording Available)

In this webinar, four California farmers’ market leaders share the best practices they are using at their markets in response to COVID-19 and social distancing regulations.

  • Access a PDF of the webinar presentation here.
  • Access the recording of the webinar presentation here. (The presentation starts 7 minutes and 30 seconds into the recording)

February 27nd | CSFC Market Manager Training

Join us at the California Small Farms Conference for a 1 day training, specifically by and for Farmers’ Market Managers. The pre-conference training will take place on Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 11am – 6:00pm in San Luis Obispo. The conference will take place on Friday, February 28 & Saturday, February 29 in Paso Robles, CA. We encourage attendees to stay for the full conference.

This training will build on the “Market Manager Manual”, originally developed by the CA Dept. of Food & Agriculture. The training will focus on the role of market managers, best practices to enhance your market and increase your customer counts, and will provide ample space for peer-to-peer learning. This training will be useful for both new and more experienced market managers.

Cost is $35 per person. Registration for this training will be through the California Small Farms Conference Website. The Alliance is offering 20 scholarships for travel, lodging and registration (to both the training and the full conference). Please apply here. Scholarships will be awarded with a preference for new market managers, managers a large distance from San Luis Obispo, and those form low-income census tracts. All are encouraged to apply.

Thursday, February 27th, 2020
Time: 11:00am – 6:00pm


2019 Training Dates and Locations

October 21st | WEBINAR: Manage My Market (Recording Available)

Manage My Market is one tool in the toolbox of options available for streamlining your market management systems. In this webinar, Staci DeShasier of Contra Costa Certified Farmers’ Markets will demonstrate how Manage My Market has been an essential and effective tool for her markets for over 10 years. Register today if you’re interested to learn more about what this tool has to offer, including: vendor applications, tracking certificates/license expirations, vendor attendance, CDFA quarterly reporting and much more!

Please note, this webinar is not an endorsement of Manage My Market from the Alliance. Our intention is to provide access to information for market managers regarding tools and resources available to you.

Monday, October 21st, 2019
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm


August 27th | WEBINAR: Organic Certification Cost Share Program (Recording Available)

In partnership with the CCOF Foundation, the California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets invites market managers to a training on the USDA Organic Certification Cost-Share Program. The training will be led by long-time organic farmer and inspector Jamie Collins of Serendipity Organic Farm.

Help your farmers’ save money with the USDA Organic Certification Cost-Share Program. Some local producers grow and sell organic products to increase their revenue. These producers may be eligible for a reimbursement of up to 75% for annual certification costs through the Cost-Share Program.

Join us to learn another tool to support local producers. During the webinar you’ll find out what the USDA Organic Certification Cost-Share Program is, as well as gain insights into the application process in California so that you can be better informed. Time will be reserved for questions from the audience.

Funding for this webinar was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM180100XXXXG055.

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am


July 22nd | WEBINAR: Organic Certification 101 for Market Managers (Recording Available)

In partnership with the CCOF Foundation, the California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets invites market managers to an introductory training on organic certification for crop production. The training will be lead by Jamie Collins of Serendipity Organic Farm.

What is organic? How are vendors allowed to label their organic or non-organic produce? What is the difference between Organic Certification and the Organic Registration required by CDFA?

Some local producers grow and sell organic products to increase their revenue. Get your organic certification questions answered and learn another tool to support local producers.

Monday, July 22nd, 2019
Time: 03:00pm – 04:00pm


March 18th | WEBINAR: Resources for a Resilient Market (Recording Available)

Jay Mitchell, Professor of Law and Clinic Director, Stanford Law School, and Assistant Professor Emily Spiegel, Vermont Law School join the Alliance to deliver a webinar that will help you:

  • Improve understanding of why & how market rules improve resiliency
  • Gain knowledge and suggestions for how to strengthen your existing rules
  • Learn about managing your liability and risks, and where to find support from the Farmers’ Market Legal Toolkit.

Monday, March 18th, 2019
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm


April 8th | Los Angeles

The Urban & Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College invites Los Angeles farmers’ market managers and operators to a day of interactive learning, followed by a cocktail crafting demo provided by Greenbar Distillery! Workshop sessions will highlight best practices for marketing, social media, and food assistance redemption at your market. You will receive ready-to-use signs and other promotional materials, and will have the opportunity to connect with other market managers during a craft cocktail happy hour!

Monday, April th, 2019
Time: 10:00am – 6:00pm
Location: Greenbar Distillery, Los Angeles, CA

February 22nd | Market Manager Training

Join us at the California Small Farms Conference for a 1/2 day training, specifically by and for Farmers’ Market Managers. This training will build on the “Market Manager Manual”, originally developed by the CA Dept. of Food & Agriculture. The training will cover the role of a Certified Farmers’ Market Manager, regulatory compliance, organic certification, volunteer recruitment, vendor management, marketing and promotions, and more.
Participants will:

  • Learn how recently passed legislation affects your market and how you can prepare for changes,
  • Develop skills necessary to run a successful farmers’ market,
  • Network with and exchange best practices with other markets in your region and the state,
  • Participants will receive a free copy of the Market Manager Manual


2018 Training Dates and Locations

February 26th | San Diego

This workshop is scheduled in conjunction with the InTents Conference and will provide a condensed version of our Market Manager Training program.

Monday, February 26th, 2018
Time: 4:00 – 5:45pm
Location: Marina Village Conference Center, 1936 Quivira Way San Diego, CA 92109
Please register through the InTents Conference Website

August 20th | WEBINAR: Introduction to the Alliance

Join us on August 20th for an Introduction to the Alliance. The California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets welcomes you to join our brief & informative webinar introducing you to the mission of the Alliance, our forthcoming work, and how you can benefit and get involved.

Monday, August 20th, 2018
Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm


2017 Training Dates and Locations

March 10th | San Mateo

This workshop is scheduled in partnership with the San Mateo County Department of Agriculture.

Friday, March 10th, 2017
Time: 9:30am – 1:00pm
Location: 2000 Alameda de las Pulgas, Atrium on First Floor, San Mateo, CA 94403

October 29th | Stockton

This workshop is scheduled in conjunction with the 2017 California Small Farm Conference.

Sunday, October 29th, 2017
Time: Approx 8:00am – 3:30pm (includes lunch)
Location: 2101 E Earhart Ave #100 Stockton, CA 95206
Please register through the CA Small Farm Conference Website

2016 Training Dates and Locations

April 4th | San Diego

Monday, April 4th, 2016
Time: 10am-3:30pm
Location: 3525 30th Street San Diego, CA 92104
25 person max (priority will be given to Alliance members)


April 28th | Eureka

Thursday, April 28th, 2016
9 AM – 1 PM
Humboldt County Department of Agriculture
Conference Room
5630 South Broadway Street
Eureka, CA 95503

12 person max (priority will be given to Alliance members)


May 23rd | Los Angeles

Monday, May 23rd, 2016
Time: 9am-2pm
Sunset Media Center
6255 W Sunset Blvd, Suite 2210 Los Angeles, CA 90026

15 person max (priority will be given to Alliance members)


San Francisco Bay Area | Date TBD

2016 Date TBD
Time TBD
SF Bay Area Location TBD